(This is a Japanese newspaper on atomic bombings. It shows talks about the destruction that the bombs caused. Also talks about the damage cause to the population.)
(This is a newspaper on how bad the atomic bomb was. As stated in the headline it was "Japan's Doom". It talks about how the bombs were dropped and where.)
(This is a newspaper about atomic bombs being unjustified. Talks about how the bombs were too dangerous to the innocent public and that scientists knew around the damage it would cause. The bombs should not have been dropped because it cause a huge catastrophe, and killed many innocent.)
(This was used as an identification card. It had the person's most important information in it.)
(This is a gear set that was used during the war. These were the supplies that the soldiers carried around with them. It does not look like much but this was what they had to survive with.)
(These are pictures of the atomic bombs. As seen in the picture to the right the bomb was much larger than a person. The bomb had to be handled very carefully because it could explode and cause much harm, like it did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)