Why was dropping the atomic bomb not justified?

The U.S. was not justified in dropping the atomic bomb because...

...The damage made on the environment was so bad. The environment had too much radiation so people could not live there. All the resources and materials that they had were not safe to use. This left people, who were either grieving for the death of they're family members or injured and sick, without a place to go and no help.

...Japan was losing so the bombs were not really necessary. If the U.S. had dropped the first bomb the second should not have been dropped knowing it would cause destruction to cities and death to innocent people. The damage done by the first bomb was horrible and since Japan was losing and the bomb had caused so much destruction, it was pretty predictable that Japan would surrender. But, the U.S. dropped a second bomb anyways. Most people argue that it was so that Japan would surrender but it was more of a test actually. The U.S. wanted to see the effect of the bomb on "virgin" land. Therefore the bombing on Nagasaki, the "virgin city". The U.S. should not have used the atomic bomb on Nagasaki because it would not only be a test on land, but on  the whole city which included all of it's culture, history, and people.

...The terrible effects it cause on people. First of all, the bomb killed about 200,000 innocent people instantly either from the blast or radiation exposure. There were about 4,000 survivors, but even though they were alive many still had to face the consequences of the bomb. The radiation from the bomb caused many illnesses and diseases such as: cysts, tumors, and cancer. For example, the radiation caused thyroid growth which lead to a 15% rise in thyroid cancer. Many autoimmune disease were found from 2000 to 2003, many of these were harmful to the people. The radiation effects did not only stop with the people alive at the time but if affected their generations to come. Radiation caused mutations in people's body systems which lead to them having different types of disorders, disabilities, dis-figurations, etc. If they did not have it then it would most likely affect their children or they would pass down a mutation to their children.